The DMS Data Entry Form: Page Sponsor - Sport Category Page and Polls Answer Page
The Page Sponsor logo appears at the top of the right channel on the sport category landing pages and polls answer page. There can be a separate sponsor for each of the sport category pages, but all polls answer pages will have the same sponsor. There is no caption or text. Clicking on the Page Sponsor link brings the user to the sponsor's Web site.
Sponsor name: [companyname]
Tracking name: sponsor abbreviation, element name, location, valid period, e.g., [companyname]_page_sponsor_polls_September
Sponsor URL: http://[company hostname]/
Test sponsor URL: for testing sponsor URL
Existing keys: lists placement keys
Placement key:
Start date: enter start date
Expiration date: enter end date
Approved: Y or N
Image URL: URL for sponsor logo, e.g., /Images/dynamic/logos/logo_avia.gif or
Image sample window: to test that the image is available and the URL is correct
Target URL: http://[company hostname]/
Test target URL: Use the "Test sponsor URL" button unless the URL is different. In that case, you must save the record before using this test button.
Caption: N/A
Text: N/A
Logged IP: logged by DMS
Update time: logged by DMS
Instructions for Other Dynamic Elements
Truly dynamic sponsored content: