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GearGoddess Sponsored Elements

The DMS Data Entry Form: Athlete's Corner

Athlete's Corner is plugged on the home page and sport category landing pages. The plug is a purple box with a blue border. The box contains an image, a caption (the title of the Athlete's Corner article), and a purple-arrow button. The caption and button are linked. Clicking on the links brings the user to the Athlete's Corner article page. NOTE: If there is no valid Athlete's Corner for a particular date, a purple-bordered, yellow box teasing Gear Reviews for all four sport categories will be displayed.

Sponsor name: [companyname]
Tracking name: sponsor abbreviation, element name, location, valid period, e.g., [companyname]_ac_cycling_September
Sponsor URL: http://[company hostname]/
Test sponsor URL: for testing sponsor URL
Existing keys: lists placement keys
Placement key:
Start date: enter start date
Expiration date: enter end date
Approved: Y or N
Image URL: URL for sponsor logo, e.g., /Images/dynamic/logos/logo_avia.gif or http://www.best.com/Images/dynamic/logos/logo_avia.gif
Image sample window: to test that the image is available and the URL is correct
Target URL: must be provided by XML author
Test target URL: tests that the URL is available and allows you to see the content displayed after the record has been saved without actually generating a trackable, sponsored hit to that URL
Caption: N/A
Text: N/A
Logged IP: logged by DMS
Update time: logged by DMS

Instructions for Other Dynamic Elements

Truly dynamic sponsored content:

Dynamic elements that require static content:

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This is a mirror of documentation used internally at GearGoddess in 2000. [IE renders the "hockey stick" quite smoothly and was not unique in that respect in 2000.]