Dynamic Images

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GearGoddess Sponsored Elements

The DMS Data Entry Form: Alternate Placements in the Right Channel

The right channel is designated for sponsored content teases, but Gear Goddess may wish to tease other parts of the site from that location. Each sponsored placement tag in the right channel has an 'alternate' set of directions for the case in which the primary placement has no valid database entry. In that case, the page will pull an alternate entry, if one exists. (If not, nothing is displayed - no element, no whitespace - and lower elements move up in the column.)

These alternate placements have no hardcoded formatting at all. All formatting - including backgrounds, border colors, class specifications, and links - must be entered into the text field of the data-entry record. Each entry must include 15 pixels of trailing whitespace.

Sponsor name: GearGoddess
Tracking name: sponsor abbreviation, element name, location, valid period, e.g., GG_alt_ac_cycling_September
Sponsor URL: /Home.html
Test sponsor URL: for testing sponsor URL
Existing keys: lists placement keys
Placement key:
Start date: enter start date
Expiration date: enter end date
Approved: Y or N
Image URL: images must be specified in the text field; no images are defined in the static page's request
Image sample window: N/A
Target URL: none defined; target URL must point within the GearGoddess site, since no url_request is defined in the static page's request. (Therefore, none of these links are trackable by the sponsored content tracking system.)
Test target URL: tests that the URL is available
Caption: none
Text: Define all the formatting needed in this field. Unformatted text will probably render as left-aligned black body text in GearGoddess-defined fonts.
Logged IP: logged by DMS
Update time: logged by DMS

Instructions for Other Dynamic Elements

Truly dynamic sponsored content:

Dynamic elements that require static content:

Back to Using Dynamic Elements on the GearGoddess Web Site

Back to The DMS Data Entry Form - General Information

This is a mirror of documentation used internally at GearGoddess in 2000. [IE renders the "hockey stick" quite smoothly and was not unique in that respect in 2000.]