- Experienced copyeditor and fact-checker (medical information; AMA Manual of Style, Chicago Manual of Style, and proficient with other guides), for print and electronic media
- Excellent oral and written communication skills; adept translator of technical information for consumers
- Excellent computing skills (PC, Macintosh; Office, Web-related tools such as SFTP, HTML/XML/CSS, and CMS installation, configuration, and population; photo editing [Lightroom]; familiar with Adobe Creative Suite); skilled photographer
- Exceptionally fast learner, detail oriented, and highly skilled in asking appropriate questions
Giant Creative/Strategy, LLC, San Francisco, CA: April 2005 to present.
Senior Administrative Editor at a pharmaceutical ad agency. Responsible for all phases of editing, fact-checking, and procedural documentation; contribute to FDA and other regulatory submissions; maintain client-specific style sheets; recruit and train freelance and staff editors.
- Started as a part-time copyeditor; hired as a staff senior editor
- Built department from 1 FTE into a group of about 4 FTEs, mixed staff and freelance
- Kept editorial appropriately staffed as agency grew from a dozen people to more than 40
- Built a browser-accessible library of pivotal studies, annotated core publications, style guidelines, and departmental procedures
Marmoset Media, San Francisco, CA: January 2001 to October 2006.
Sole proprietor. Provided editing, writing, and website building and maintenance services to healthcare and outdoor companies, and performed freelance on-site editing for pharmaceutical ad agencies, including Giant, Dorland, and Anderson DDB. Other clients included:
- Genetic Alliance (nonprofit; writing for consumers about advocacy-group building)
- PXE International (nonprofit; writing for consumers about PXE and research activity)
- Genentech (assisted Quality Metrics and Analysis manager with preparation of annual FDA product reviews for 14 products; copyediting, fact-checking, desktop publishing)
- Mefloquine Action International (nonprofit; redesigned, built, and maintain the group's website)
GearGoddess, San Francisco, CA: Writer, then Web Production Lead, 4/00 to 12/00.
- Performed monthly update of, a website containing equipment reviews, buying guides, and sports and fitness information tailored to women
- Implemented database-driven features and a site redesign
- Documented procedures
- Pitched and created a support intranet; specified and sourced a bug-tracking database
RateXchange, San Francisco, CA: Manager of Marketing Communications, 10/99 to 2/00.
Drafted press releases; assembled and distributed weekly newsletter; edited and updated marketing areas of website; coordinated design and production services with agencies and print shops.
Sperling Sampson West, San Francisco, CA: Editor, 5/98 to 7/99.
Fact-checking, substantive editing, copyediting, and proofreading; edited websites, print advertisements, education pieces, annual and quarterly reports, prescription inserts, and scientific monographs for a pharmaceutical ad agency.
Frost & Sullivan, Mountain View, CA: Assistant Managing Editor, 11/95 to 11/97.
Copyedited highly structured reports about the marketing environment for pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Used MS Word with dozens of macros to produce camera-ready art for printing.
- Promoted from copyeditor
- Managed production of custom reports; met an average of 25 ship dates per month
- Managed a staff of 3 copyeditors
- Documented procedures and assisted in training copyeditors
UW Child Development and Mental Retardation Center, Seattle, WA: Clinic Coordinator, Metabolic Disorders Clinic, 1992 to 1995.
Weighed and measured children in weekly clinics; billed all clinic visits; helped prepare the monthly, 2-day, parent support group and PKU well-child checks; assisted with data preparation for regular reporting to the State of Washington; provided other office support to the Metabolic Disorders clinic staff.
Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle, WA: Neurodevelopmental Clinic, then Neurosurgery Clinic, 1990 to 1992.
As Neurodevelopmental Clinic secretary: supported clinic chief with reception, correspondence, and transcribing notes from quarterly outreach clinics in rural areas. Moved to Neurosurgery Clinic when the Neurodevelopmental chief's NIH grant was funded.
As Neurosurgery Patient Care Coordinator and Research Associate:
- Wrote insurance appeals for families; developed a costs-comparison package that helped gain routine Blues authorization for our clinic's main package of services
- Supported the spasticity management clinic team (neurodevelopmental pediatrician, neurosurgeon, orthopedist, rehabilitation physician, physical therapists, nurse practitioner)
- Central point of contact for families with children seen in or referred to our clinic
- Scheduled clinic visits and related test visits
- Maintained SOP binder for NIH grant–supported study being done in our clinic
- Assisted in developing and preparing forms for patient tracking in the clinic and study
- Assisted physical therapists with outcome measures exams for study participants
B.A., Comparative Literature (proficiency: French; honors program), University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 1990.
American Medical Writers Association Core Curriculum classes, including Statistics for Medical Writers and Editors, Writing and Designing Materials for Patient Education, and Improving Comprehension.
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